Monday, April 26, 2010

Floating adrift.

Remember when you were a kid and you would spend some time in a pool or the beach and just lie on your back and float? And drift? And all the world would pass you by... and somehow everything would seem okay.

Well, I have been floating adrift for a while now. My shoulder has been going through rehab for rotator problems and multiple dislocations (I have muscles that are JUST a little too loose that needed to be worked on to keep my joints in place!) As an adult, of course, and a photographer with a life with teens, this made my life ANYTHING but okay. Chaos would be a closer description.

But, somehow, things have a way of working themselves out in life. And taking a step back can give you a new perspective and a chance to look at everything else around you that you love (and don't) and a chance to watch all my friends' work develop this year.

Now I am just starting to get back to photography. Slowly.

So I started with another animal adrift. It seemed somehow... as weird as this sounds... like a symbiotic relationship. I was drawn to the jellyfish. They seemed to like me photographing them and I was getting back on my feet by them behaving for the "camera".

All of my shots of the Jellyfish are taken by iPhone with special apps. I keep those secrets close! I didn't have my other cameras with me when the opportunity came along to finally begin photography again. I only had an iPhone.

And they don't look TOO bad!

And the Jellyfish were VERY patient... even the ones that kept changing colors for the camera. Slow-moving, they are not exactly (for anyone who has tried to photograph them well!). They are deceiving fast. But they are beautiful.

And they remind me of when I was a kid and I could just lay back and drift... and have the world pass me by... and somehow everything would be okay.

Because...It will be if we only work at it.